Wednesday, January 8, 2025

WOYWW -814-Lots of challenges

AH(after Helene,) one of the symptoms of acute trauma is inability to focus..
You can see there is not much on my desk.
I'm very grateful to all my arts communities for prayer, support and generous art supplies!
Art Impressions has 3x3" challenges, and January theme was 
put a bird on it, so as a Robyn I couldn't resist.
It did take me almost 2 weeks to finish, and I did, and that in itself is healing.
Also an, add gold challenge, and you need a blog to link to and 
when I realized it was also Wednesday- done!

Life keeps happening! I do have a beautiful new granddaughter, Remi Jade, all doing well.
Time to focus on what we have not lost more than what we have.
Thanks for visiting, comments and questions always warmly welcomed.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

I have a desk! WOYWW 807/27


If a picture is worth a thousand words, I pray this one brings thousands of thanks to each one of you who sent prayers, a card, and supplies.
I havent posted since Hurricane Helene came through my Town, in Western North Carolina, USA, and changed all of our lives.
I'm finding it important to focus more on what I have not lost, than what I have.
I have not lost my life, family and close friends and pets all safe.
I have not lost my faith, my world wide friends of community, and support.
(I did lose my home and much of my belongings)

I had a plan to get back to each individually, and that went the way of my life BH(before Helene). I moved several times, before finally getting stable housing Nov 1- and these cards were my touch stones in each new space.
There are no words to express how much the support, friendship and generosity of my on line art communities mean to me- to all of us.
Art saves live, and heals, and united in our WOYWW community, we care for and with, each other.
I have shared these cards and some of the supplies with many other artists, and pray they will find the strength of community in them that I do.
Much of the paint and paper when into our child play pop ups while our schools and daycares were closed. I know there were prayers in every stroke of the pen and brush.
(if you don't see your card, a little artist, may have taken it for their own!)
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WOYWW 798-If you can't make a mess.... can't make anything!
I'm usually a tidy crafter, and with travel and tying loose ends of all my work duties, it's creating in fits and starts.
It will all come together, and in the meantime, i'm embracing my own messiness and enjoying thinking about the joy in sending and receiving holiday cards.
God(ess) bless our Postal Services!
Thanks for visiting.
Comments and questions warmly welcomed.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WOYWW-791- Be with those who help your being

Its a theme!
Lots of travel to be with grandchildren, who are the ones!
there is almost always time to make a Brave Girl Card,
and lots of coloring with the littles!

Keep this in mind as you listen to the news of the day, and take some time for your desk, fellow deskers and when in doubt, take a nap!

Comments and Questions Warmly welcomed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WOYWW-785/5-15th Anniversary ATC swap and New Beginnings


A bit of a staged photo- gathering most of my ATC swaps and cards I've made after taking a very fun and inspirational 
Online Card Class on embossing folders.
In addition to the class we had an active FB group to keep the learning, sharing and inspiration going between sessions.
I love the making new friends part as much as learning new techniques.
I am happy to be here with our new Desk host Sarah, and hope to do some visiting as I have a day off today!.
Comments and Questions welcomed.

Friday, May 17, 2024

More than one way to plant a seed. Brave Girl Cards.

Most every day I take what is left on my desk, and make a Brave Girl Card- 
an Artist Trading Card (ATC)
that is to be given away or traded.
It is my practice to give them to someone I dont know well, or meet on the street
offering them a piece of my self to help me to be brave, and to help them to be brave.
I've planted a lot of flower and veggie seeds, and they found their way to my desk and a new life as 
Brave Girl cards.
Calligraphy stamps by Suzanne Cannon

The leaves are a napkin from BFF Chris wonderful dinner party!


How does your art and your practice weave together?
Comments and Questions welcome.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WOYWW 780- 15th Anniversary on the 15th!

15 on the 15th!
Keeping in the culture aside from the ATC's this is totally unstaged.
It is what is on my desk this Wednesday!
Thinking back over all we have been through together.
On one level sharing our desks and creative journeys...
On the heart level, sharing our joys and sorrows, births and deaths...
the pandemic!
And here we still are, sharing in ways we never imagined possible when we first picked up our crayons, and sharing as folks have for centuries, 
exchanging addresses and sending of pieces of ourselves, today in the form of
Artist Trading Cards.
This is what peace looks like!
The crowned one is for Julia- because !
One for my forward person, and I  think I am trading with a few other folks- let me know for sure, and if you would like to trade leave a comment and we'll see what I have.
I think the theme for this year is
Don't Wait.
For someone to send you flowers, share a kind word, read that book you've had in the pile for ages, take a tell me.
Thank you all dear deskers for the 15, and here's to fifteen more.