Wednesday, July 19, 2023

WOYWW-737-Anniversary Review!

It just came to me,I took the photo, and I never posted a photo of my Anniversary ATC's!
Julia's arrived with a bonus pin! so it must be time.

I've been making a lot of post cards lately- why apples? 
IDK- the paint was on the pallet and was saying apples to me.

Lots of heat here in the northern hemisphere  even in our beautiful mountains, and somehow I never feel hot when I am painting.

I hope y'all enjoyed the swap as much as I did, still am, and grateful as ever for the friendship and support of all deskers, swappers or not.

Comments and questions warmly welcomed!


Mary Anne said...

The ATC swap was so much fun. I always look forward to it. Oh and the heat must be a challenge. (knock wood!) we are missing it here in the UK and the hot days we had in June maybe got to 30 but nothing like the...what did I see? 50degreesC in Arizona? Crazy hot with wildfires in Greece and Spain. Madness. If only just crafting REALLY made you not feel the heat, rather than just so absorbed you could ignore it :D THAT really would be magic. I love your apples, very sweet, and Thanks for the lovely reminder of the anniversary swap.
Happily a bit better for WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Christine said...

What a great post! A lovely reminder of all the excitement and happiness of snail mail! Thank you
Stay safe
Christine #18

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I made two ATCs this year, one for my PIF and one for Julia. It was nice to see so many together. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

Julia Dunnit said...

Sometimes I'm cross at how long post can take, and other times, it's fine because it does extend a pleasure doesn't it! You have a nice collection there for sure. The apples...well they're just lovely, I like that you filled the piece with them instead of just a row or a trio which is where my brain makes me stop. Tim also like the watercolour test strip at the right hand and a brush are a great combination!

Helen said...

Great bunch of atc swaps ! I couldn't cope with your high heat. Luckily we've not had it too high this year (30 was plenty bad enough) happy woyww Helen #3

Spyder said...

The atc's look fabulous, I'm glad to say, I have some of those too! In fact I have a few still left over if you'd like one...mostly snarky cats, my world one's have all gone. So glad to be joining in this eek after soooo many months of not being able to link into Julia's mr linky and seeing who's there! Have a great week! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Brilliant collection of ATCs, love them. Loving your apple cards too. Wishing you a very happy and creative WOYWW, Angela x8x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I have really enjoyed the swap this year, it’s been so lovely to get these mini works of art through the post, they brighten up the day. I love the apples, such fun and a great way to use up paint..somehow a postcard is easier to complete, maybe there’s not the expectation to make it ‘high art’!
Hugs LLJ 13 xxx

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely works of art. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Anne said...

Lovely ATC'S. I wasn't able to join in this time. Enjoyed seeing them all though. Anne x 18

My name is Cindy said...

And why not apples? They are lovely! The ATC swap was great I still need to swap out last year's from my weird ATC display unit - not sure it's gonna work in this new room I haven't really got space. Job for next week maybe. The heat is crazy everywhere except here at the mo it seems, glad your crafting gives youa reespite!! Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15

Spyder said...

I've found you! Love the apples and why not!? Apples are crunchy. Yes, had a look and as I put in my email, I'd love a surprize! ((Lyn))this time I'm #6!