Wednesday, September 18, 2024

WOYWW 798-If you can't make a mess.... can't make anything!
I'm usually a tidy crafter, and with travel and tying loose ends of all my work duties, it's creating in fits and starts.
It will all come together, and in the meantime, i'm embracing my own messiness and enjoying thinking about the joy in sending and receiving holiday cards.
God(ess) bless our Postal Services!
Thanks for visiting.
Comments and questions warmly welcomed.


Crafting With Jack said...

Of course Christmas is a very expensive time for posting cards, but I do think that the cost of a stamp is worth it compared to the cost of driving across the country to deliver by hand. BTW I always make a mess 🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You sound as if you’ve had a busy time, the crafting will just have fit around your life! I like what you’ve been creating and agree 100% with you that the sending and receiving of mail is the best 😊
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx said...

Messiness in crafting goes hand in hand I think and enjoying creating anything, no matter how small nurtures the soul. Happy crafting and WOYWW - Michelle #15 x

Helen said...

The best crafters make mess I say! the price of our stamps are going up soon and i must remember to get some before that to beat the increase!! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Messy desks always make me happy as they are a sign of activity. Hope you find time to make more. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x6x

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the soft background on that Christmas card Robyn. Love seeing the productivity of a messy desk too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lindart said...

All good things start with a mess! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #17.